Oil paintings of Cinque Terre / Portofino

Port of Portofino oil painting

Portofino, the Latin name is Portus Delphini (Dolphin), is part of the Ligurian coast Cinque Terre. Looking back from the path leading to the lighthouse you have this wonderful view of the secluded bay.

Painting: 724
Date: 2011
Measure: ca x 80 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Portofino oil painting

In Portofino (Liguria), the sun disappears very early behind the small promontory that leads to the lighthouse. In the late afternoon so little light and shade for painting. Portofino is allowed to take a deep breath and the "Molo Umberto has become a quiet spot again (looking at the Calata Marconi.) So that the colors without" brine "do not look too cool, I primed the canvas with light ocher and" wet " After working as a photographer I did not want to tinker with the whole picture of the hill (in reality it goes up on the right side), but I opted for a little bit of visible sky.

Painting: 1060
Date: 2009
Measure: 40 x 30 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Sun rays on Portofino oil painting

Portofino in the middle of a thunderstorm? First it was raining from the clouds. For painting, it was not possible. But shortly afterwards pulled on the sky. Light rays can be seen!

Painting: 703
Date: 2011
Measure: 120 x 80 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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