Oil Paintings of Lake Garda: Sirmione

Sirmione oil painting

Sirmione is located on the south side of Lake Garda.

Painting: 1126
Date: 2009
Measure: 40 x 30 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Sunset in Sirmione oil painting

The castle of Sirmione - an evening mood that I wanted to capture with quick, vigorous strokes in rich, vibrant colors.

Painting: 1495
Date: 2011
Measure: 160 x 80 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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Morning in Sirmione oil painting

Early in the morning and evening Sirmione's beautiful!

Painting: 1129
Date: 2009
Measure: 50 x 40 cm
Christian Seebauer - Germany
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